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Q&A with Feminist Collective

Haley Joy Porter (junior film student) is the club president. Photo by Lexi Malone
Jackalope Magazine sat down with Santa Fe University of Art and Design’s new Feminist Collective president Haley Joy Porter, a junior in the Film School, and Vice President Rebecca Rapp. Porter was the vice president last semester and has taken the reins from Contemporary Music graduate Maria Siino.
Jackalope Magazine: What role does Feminist Collective play at SFUAD?
Haley Joy Porter: Feminist Collective is a club on campus that has been active for a few years now. We are a group of people who believe in equality between genders, and in general – we’re intersectional. We try to improve the campus culture and make the campus a safer and better place for everyone.
Rebecca Rapp: I think Feminist Collective is important because there are a lot of people on campus that believe in feminism but have no where to talk about it, but also because we bring awareness to and help people who have been hurt by the patriarchy.
What can students expect attending your meetings?

The Feminist collective met in Fogelson Library to conduct their first meeting of the year. Photo by Sasha Hill
Porter: We talk, mostly. We do the consciousness raising groups, plan events. Last meeting we talked about putting together a shared Google account so we can put up our meeting notes on Google Drive for everyone to access. We talk about issues that matter to us, and things that are happening on campus that we want to change for the better. We also do craft days sometimes, making activist crafts. We’re going to have Feminist Collective t-shirts soon. We have some talented graphic designers, like Rebecca, in the group, so they’re putting designs together for shirts and stickers.
Rapp: I hope to see more people come to the meetings and be active with us. I want to see us grow a stronger bond with the rest of our [campus] community.
Haley, you’ve been active in Feminist Collective as a member, officer and now president. After seeing the Collective progress over the years, what feels important to achieve this year?
Porter: This year, we want to have more of a focus on us as a collective, as a group, so more meetings where we do consciousness raising, and talk about issues that are affecting us. That can be really helpful because someone can say ‘I went through this’ and someone else can be like ‘Wow, I went through something really similar and I didn’t know anyone had ever gone through this before.’ It’s always a really great experience and I think those were our best meetings last semester.
How do you feel the current political climate informs Feminist Collective?
I think it makes the collective more important than ever, if only for a show of solidarity. We’re here and not going anywhere, and we’re not going to be intimidated by loud-mouthed bullies. So I feel like that show of strength is really important. I am upset but more energized, like it’s more important now more than ever to get out and actually fight.
Feminist Collective meets on Fridays at 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on the main floor of Fogelson Library. Students can follow the Feminist Collective’s activities on its Facebook Group and Tumblr.

Feminist Collective officers (top left) Marilyn Marquis (secretary), Alexa Frazier (public relations), Sierra Parson (staff advisor), Johnah Garcia (secretary), Rebecca Rapp (VP), Haley Porter (president) Photo by Lexi Malone