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Excitement for Fall
Now that we’re officially back in the swing of things here at SFUAD, it’s time to see how people are feeling three weeks in the semester. Jackalope spoke with a variety of returning students to see if everyone was excited about at least one aspect of their semester. For some, it’s just being back around friends and being busy with projects; for others, it was just having a lot to do again and working all the time.

“I’m terribly excited, I’ve got so much happening this semester. I’m starting my thesis this semester because I plan on it being at least a stage of the game I’m working on, which goes along with the web comic I’m putting out every Monday. I’ve got a great marketing internship and I’m making good things over there. I’ve just got a lot going on and it’s going to be a busy and productive semester.” —Bradley Campbell, graphic design, senior

“I’m excited to be back and it’s going to be a good year. We’ve got a lot of great projects for OVF next semester. I’m also staying really busy working with a lot of bands this semester, it’s going to be a good year.” —Chris Buren, photography/projection media, junior

“I’m really looking forward to this semester because last semester I didn’t get to take a lot of film classes, and this semester all of my classes are related to my major so I’m really happy.” —Shantanu Sagara, film major, freshman

“I’m pumped for this semester because i’ve been really looking forward to getting back to film work. I’m ready to take all of my projects head on.” —Serhan Sezer, film major, junior

“I’m happy to be back in the swing of things. I’ve been working on a lot of new tracks this summer and I am really looking forward to be able to perform more and get my name out there.” —Rolo Ainsworth, contemporary music major, sophomore

“I’m really thrilled to be back, I love the atmosphere of SFUAD. I feel like in the summer I have a bunch of things to do but near the end I get really bored and I love getting back to here to do what I’m here to do. I also love seeing the people I missed and getting to work on what I’m passionate about, it just makes me feel good.” —Andi Star, musical theater major, junior

“I’m really fired up about this semester because I love the teachers, classes and I really enjoy seeing my friends. Another thing is I love projects here, they’re fun and very involved in what I am studying.” —Nea Carnalla, film major, returning exchange student

“I’m happy to be back because I have a lot of projects in mind. I’m taking a music design class and I’m really excited to start playing around with album covers and hopefully working with bands here soon.” —Ana Aguirre, graphic design major, junior
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