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What’s New at The Screen?
Don’t miss two new films gracing The Screen on Oct. 14. Girl Asleep and When Two Worlds Collide are two drastically different films that will join The Screen family. The Screen updates its screenings of films every Friday, hoping to sway more Santa Fe citizens and SFUAD students into attending. Charlotte Martinez, manager of The Screen, isn’t in charge of curating the films but finds herself excited for new films whenever Friday comes.

Bethany Whitmore “Greta” with Eamon Farren as “Adam” in Girl Asleep.
Girl Asleep, an Australian family film and recipient of “Best Feature” in the 2015 Adelaide Film Festival, portrays Greta Driscoll, a teen of the late 1970s who is thrown the 15th birthday party of her wildest dreams. Driscoll plays the part of the awkward but potentially popular new girl in school. Not only is Driscoll uneasy on her feet and unsure of who she is as she quickly stumbles into herself, her coddling parents intrude on her social life. Her parents throw her a birthday party and invite the entirety of the school, ultimately and indefinitely mortifying her. The film borders on Driscoll’s conscious and unconscious mind, allowing viewers the freedom to assume anything is to happen. This lucid dream-like state gives the film freedom to fluidly move between the genres “comedy” and “coming of age.”

Alberto Pizango in When Two Worlds Collide.
When Two Worlds Collide, winner of countless awards, is a documentary filmed throughout the Amazon Rainforest, as well as the U.S and U.K, focusing on the Peruvian government forcefully extracting oil, minerals and gas from protected indigenous land. The documentary follows the fight between the government and its people, led by indigenous leader Alberto Pizango of the Shawi people. Pizango is the president of the Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP). The film exposes the peaceful protests turned into violent riots at the hands of the 38 police officers sent to control the citizens. The aggressive and heinous subject matter is a strong contrast against the beautifully composed shots and passionate Peruvians fighting for their right to a environmentally safe and protected land. What is most captivating about the film is its ability to tell both sides of the conflict, all the while perfectly portraying the horrendous truth of corporate fracking and logging. The documentary acts as a voice for the indigenous people still fighting for their rights in the Amazon. The producers have encouraged viewers to take action by spreading the word and signing up to their website for updates and petitions.
“You have two dynamics, the documentary is super intense. But this little Australian comedy is fun for students, if they wanna take a break,” says Martinez. Girl Asleep and When Two Worlds Collide will premier at The Screen on Oct. 14. Catch Girl Asleep at 7:45 PM after you see When Two Worlds Collide at 3:50 PM.
Film Students – Free
SFUAD Students/Staff – $3
General Admission – $10
Seniors – $9
Students – $8
Children – $5
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