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Abortion Stories Women Tell Preview

“Abortion Stories Women Tell” will premier on HBO in the spring.

Santa Fe NOW Vice President Suzan Sattell will host a Q & A following the film.
On Feb. 2, the Center for Contemporary Arts Santa Fe will present a sneak preview of the upcoming HBO special “Abortion Stories Women Tell.” In this film, award winning director Tracy Droz Tragos shifts the focus of reproductive justice by creating a dynamic documentary interviewing women who have struggled with unplanned pregnancy. In the documentary, Tragos also interviews activists both in favor of and against abortion and the medical providers who work in abortion care. The film will be followed with a Q&A hosted by the vice president of the Santa Fe Chapter of the National Organization for Women, Suzan Sattell. “[The issue of abortion] has been under the table for decades,” Sattell says. “People are finally ready to listen and [these women] are ready to speak.”
The film will show at 7 p.m. and complimentary refreshments will be provided. For more information on the event visit the film’s website.