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Student Spotlight

Jason Stilgebouer is a senior photography major from Menifee, CA. Photo by Chris Dorantes

Senior photography major Jason Stilgebouer photographs an art installation on campus. Photo by Chris Dorantes
Senior photography major Jason Stilgebouer comes to Santa Fe University of Art and Design from Menifee, CA. He is concentrating on commercial photography and working on a entrepreneurial minor. Stilgebouer first became interested in SFUAD at a college fair during high school and a scholarship sealed the deal. In addition to his regular studies, Stilgebouer is currently interning at Bon Marché, a high-end outdoor furniture business, working on its social media marketing. Because of his studies in entrepreneurial business, Stilgebouer has become keenly interested in developing and marketing businesses and incorporating his photography in the process. After graduation, Stilgebouer will return to California and seek employment in his new areas of expertise.
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