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Staff: Margaret Van Dyk

Director of Fogelson Library Margaret Van Dyk. Photo by Sasha Hill
Margaret Van Dyk has been at Fogelson, the main academic library for SFUAD, since 2011. She hails from Milwaukee, WI and received her master’s degree in library science with a focus in instruction and research from the University of Wisconsin. While living in Milwaukee, she was the librarian assistant for the public library for 16 years. She first came to Santa Fe, NM to visit her mother, where circumstance and chance allowed her to make the decision to stay in New Mexico. Van Dyk was applying at the Santa Fe Art Institute when she decided to walk over and take a look inside Fogelson. She started talking with the current director of the library and was surprised to find they were hiring. She began working in Fogelson as the instruction librarian, giving tours to the incoming students and setting up research labs. She is now the director of the library and oversees 300,000 items. Van Dyk hopes to stay in the academic/art realm when SFUAD closes in May 2018, yet this curator of knowledge is open to the possibility of going where fate takes her.
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