On Nov. 12, a peaceful gathering appropriately titled “We Are One” was held outside the New Mexico state capitol building. The wave of fear that spread throughout the country when Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election incited the Santa Fe community to take action.
Q/A w/ Marcus Lee Banafrit...
posted by Charli Renken
In the last two weeks, a new student group has popped up that is trying to make a change on campus, with both a public forum and rally on March 3 and 4, respectively. The ColleXion is “an organization of people who are trying to find the “X”; they’re trying to find what they’re purpose is.” Jackalope Magazine sat down with The ColleXion founder Marcus Lee Banafrit to talk about what The ColleXion has planned for SFUAD. Jackalope Magazine: What is The ColleXion trying to do on campus? Marcus Lee Banafrit: The ColleXion is trying to do two things. They’re trying to bring together artists to collaborate and they’re also trying to make sure that the rules that are set in place to help campus life and help things run smoothly aren’t being stepped over and abused. JM: What rules in particular? MLB: Rules regarding privacy and the rules against discrimination. Things of that nature. JM: How was The ColleXion formed? MLB: I formed it back in 2013 [outside of SFUAD] as my own personal way of getting through life and following my dreams. I wanted to make it fun for myself and I also wanted to have a message behind it. For The ColleXion AT SFUAD, I saw that there were a bunch of students that felt like they were being wronged… I saw a lot of students who had to deal with things at this school that they shouldn’t have had to deal with. I saw myself in a lot of the people that were telling me their problems and I figured that I could use The ColleXion to help fuel them in helping them… find their “X” without things getting in the way. JM: What are The ColleXion’s goals? What is their...
posted by Nicholas Beckman
“Don’t let her death be in vain” read the signs of family, friends and concerned citizens who rallied outside the First Judicial District Court April 11 to raise awareness for the fatal shooting of Jeanette Anaya by New Mexico State Police on Nov. 7, 2013.
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