“Don’t let her death be in vain” read the signs of family, friends and concerned citizens who rallied outside the First Judicial District Court April 11 to raise awareness for the fatal shooting of Jeanette Anaya by New Mexico State Police on Nov. 7, 2013.

Police pursued Anaya after an alleged traffic violation. After refusing to pull over, the officer nudged Anaya’s car causing her to crash her car into a wall off of Camino Carlos Rey and attempt to flee the scene when Officer Oliver Wilson fatally shot her through her car. Wilson alleges he feared for his life as he found himself out of his cruiser, trapped between the two cars. Officer Wilson fired 16 shots, 2 of them striking and inevitably killing Anaya as reported by various news outlets.

The cruiser’s dash-cam footage can be seen here.

“This was totally unjustified,” said Marshall Romero of Santa Fe who came to the rally in support of Anaya and her family.

The crowd of 60 to 80 were cheered and honked at by passers-by as they chanted various phrases. “Justice for Jeanette” and “police brutality must stop” were shouted in unison by peoples ranging from young children to the elderly.

“It was a really awesome turnout,” said Vanessa Miller, a relative of Anaya. “The family’s been organizing all of this.”

Anaya’s mother, Teresa, spoke to the crowds giving them encouragement and encouraging criminal charges be brought against Officer Wilson. “We need to trust them again!” shouted someone in the crowd in response to police accountability.  In January a grand jury found the shooting a “justified homicide.

Anaya’s niece also spoke at the rally, reading a poem she had written in Anaya’s memory. “Where there is darkness, there is light,” she read tearfully. “Where there is sadness, there is joy.”