Tauri Partin’s busy schedule

Twenty-two year old Graphic Design major Tauri Partin starts her days early and always with a coffee. After she has fully woken up and smoked her morning cigarette, she starts getting ready for the day ahead. Even though she doesn’t prefer or need to wear makeup, she is always prepared for anything as it helps her feel more put together and confident. She spends the rest of her morning free time hanging out with her Therapy cat The Dude, who always wants to cuddle or run around. Before classes, Partin will drive around town and take care of errands, assignments, call friends and family, which is always accompanied with a cigarette or two. Occasionally she finds herself overwhelmed due to constantly working as a waitress at Jinja, helping friends with projects and then working on her own school assignments. At the end of an exhausting and busy day Partin surrounds herself with her closest friends either on or off the schools campus.