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Feminist Collective Open Mic Night
At 6:30 p.m., Friday April 14, in Fogelson Library, Santa Fe University of Art and Design’s Feminist Collective will be collaborating with Colors to put on an Open Mic show. The event welcomes writers, performers and visual artists to come share their work on the theme of sexuality.
“It’s a very loose term,” Feminist Collective President Haley Joy Porter says about the show’s theme. As long as artists’ work is marginally related to sexuality, in whatever meaning that is relevant to the artist, it counts as on theme. The showrunners are open to spoken word, poetry, performance, songs, artwork and really any medium on the stipulation that the work is tolerant and accepting, and doesn’t put anyone down. “It is going to be a very open, accepting, welcoming environment where everyone can feel safe opening up,” Porter assures.
Performers and guests alike can also take advantage of free snacks and drinks, including chai tea from local café chain Annapurna’s. Students who are interested in showcasing at the event can email the Feminist Collective at feministcollectivesfuad@gmail.com, or utilize the sign-up sheet that will be posted at the event. There are still plenty of slots available to sign up and share your work.

Haley Joy Porter (junior film student) is the club president. Photo by Lexi Malone
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