
nickmartinezI am no longer in New York. It did not feel good to say that.

Over the course of the last semester, I was lucky enough to stay with the New York Arts Program in Chelsea, Manhattan. Prime real estate. I would have stayed for the summer, but such prime real estate calls for about two grand a week. Such is life in the Big Apple. Now, sadly, I’m back in my old stomping ground Annapolis, Maryland.

Annapolis isn’t so bad. It may not have the heights of NYC, but it is certainly more densely populated than Santa Fe. It will serve as a nice transition when I head back West.

Annapolis is quiet. No honking cars, cursing homeless men, couples who decide the best place to break up is in front of your building. Seriously, I don’t know how many couples broke up in front of our building. It was quite entertaining.

Despite bankrupting me several times over, New York is my ideal place to live. It has so much to offer, I didn’t even have time to scratch the surface. I’m too young, my claws aren’t sharp enough.

Over the summer, I’ll be trading working at a newspaper and production company for the glamorous life of a service member of Vizzini’s Pizza and Subs. Granted, it’s been my favorite pizza place my entire life, and going to work every day is like a high school reunion, but it’s certainly different than what felt like in the high stakes world of professional journalism and filmmaking.

Like every other kid, summer growing up was something to look forward to. Having no school, being able to do what ever you wanted. Now, summer is filler. It’s treading water, and treading water for me is the same as drowning.

I do like Annapolis, but I can’t wait to get back to the Fe. To use all I’ve learned to make a final push toward graduate school (or whatever). And barring any setbacks, I’ll be back in mid-August.

It’s weird to think my time in New York is already just another fading memory.  New York is a nice foil for Annapolis, where all of the options and things to do in the big city are basically turned into Swimming Pools. The dog days are ahead, my friends. See you on the other side.